Off Grid Living
Off Grid home or villa made easy!

Speak with the experts in off grid home conversion
Smart customers are choosing to go off grid for many reasons:
Load Shedding
Lack of Grid Development
Cutting Your Carbon Footprint
Saving Money
At OffGrid Group of Companies, we offer full turnkey services to convert your on grid home into an Off Grid home.
Our approach to off grid living is holistic, and methodical.
Examine architecture
Applied insulation materials
Capture and analyze the consumption workloads
Recommend energy conservation technologies suited for solar
Solar sizing and configuration
Installation and maintenance
Call us to schedule a no-cost onsite assessment for your FULL OFFGRID Turnkey Solution!
Going off the grid has never been easier!
At OffGrid we've have tackled the hard challenges of off grid living. We offer solutions that are customized to your environment, your goals for energy independence and your budget.