Offgrid customers can take advantage of the natural properties of nanobubbles to decrease power utilization in chiller systems, by up to 30%. Nanobubbles work to restore chiller water lines back to pristine conditions.
Offgrid is the authorized representative of Trident Bubble products in the UAE. Trident Bubble offers ultrafine nanobubble generators that are used in many different applications across industries.
Inventory now available in UAE.

Benefits of nanobubbles

Price Range: From $625.00 to $1,995.00 USD
*Please send request for volume prices.
Trident Ultrafine Nanobubble generators is an all-in-one system that creates billions of nanobubbles in water as it passes through the tube, using a specialized membrane system that provides over 90% gas transfer.
Only requires pressurized gas/air to operate.
Performance guarantee
When it comes to generating nanobubbles, other companies add complexity to increase useability, whereas Trident systems are inherently simple to use, operate and maintain. And we do this at a price that is affordable and easy on the budget.
Our Quality & Performance guarantee: If your not completely satisfied with our nanobubble generators, simply return it to us for a full refund. That's how confident we are of our systems.
*terms and conditions apply, please request for more details.